EVU Deutschland e.V.

c/o Schimmelpfennig + Becke GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Stephan Schal
Am Flugplatz 4
23560 Lübeck

Tel. +49 451 50 40 530
Fax +49 451 50 40 533


Our representatives

Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Stephan Schal

Vice Chairman
Dipl.-Ing. Volker Fürbeth

Dipl.-Ing. Volker Fürbeth


Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Stefan Meyer

Members of the Board
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Rohm
Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Wolfgang Hugemann
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ulrike Molinari

Our members in Germany

234 results found.
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfram Kalthoff 48346 OstbevernWebsite
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Kampa 10119 BerlinWebsite
Dipl. Ing. Armin Kast 89520 HeidenheimWebsite
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Katzer 36093 KünzellWebsite
Thomas Kehr 31137 HildesheimWebsite
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Kircher 87758 Kronburg ---
Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Rudolf Kleinert 22081 HamburgWebsite
M.Eng. Denis Klippel 545292 TrierWebsite
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Kai Kneifel 57074 SiegenWebsite
Ing.-Büro Kneifel 57074 SiegenWebsite

More country groups

Every country can set up its own country group. Many countries in and beyond Europe have already done so. Cross-border regional groups are in preparation.