Analysis of a frontal crash between two vehicles equipped with EDR and CDR compatible

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Massimo Dalessi


Francesco Balzaretti

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28 EVU Conference, Barcelona



Although Bosch has been developing the CDR protocol to access crash data from Airbag Control Modules for almost 20 years now, starting the sale of the equipment in the United States and introducing it in Europe around the year 2012, there are still very few accidents that can be analyzed where both vehicles are readable. When the CDR data of both vehicles involved in the same accident are known and all the other technical elements such as three-dimensional scans of the site where the accident occurred and of the vehicles themselves, carried out by means of laser scanners, it was considered interesting to assess what differences could emerge from the reconstructions of the fact carried out in different ways, such as simulation by means of software, analytical calculation and as much as possible to process the information gained by the download of the ACM data. The purpose of this study is to compare the values calculated with the different systems with those recorded by EDR, in order to define the margins of uncertainty and at the same time identify which of the different coefficients that must be considered / introduced must be more carefully considered to avoid errors of assessment.

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