The impact of load and its anchorage on the stability and rollover safety of heavy commercial vehicles

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Main author

Ferenc Szauter



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Research report

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(Keine Übersetzung vorhanden)

The aim is to perform a series of simulations using a simulation model of a semitrailer with validated input parameters based on the results of real vehicle dynamics driving tests, in order to draw conclusions on the influence of load size, placement and securing method on driving stability.

The construction of the complex simulation model was followed by the setting of specific vehicle parameters specific to multi-car commercial vehicles, and then by analysis and validation using the PC Crash simulation software. With the resulting mathematical model with validated input parameters, a series of simulations were performed for load cases with different masses and placement positions. We simulated the maximum load and rupture of the lashing straps, as well as the displacement of the load and its fall from the loading surface, for a hypothetical load securing case with inadequate strength.