Manipulations in digital tachographs and road safety

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Krzysztof Nowak



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28 EVU Conference, Barcelona



Manipulation of driving time of professional drivers may be a serious threat in traffic.

The major risk is not only caused by the driver’s exhaustion and his low perception of risk or by breaking the established procedures of vehicle driving and minimum hours of rest, but also by the vehicle device manipulation.

It must be stressed that any attempt of deactivating security systems installed in the truck or the bus leads to extremely dangerous situations.

The experts who give opinions on various road accidents do not always focus on the tachograph installation and its data recorded there.

The data concerned is an excellent source of information related to illegal interference. Only an experienced specialist, who is in possession of adequate equipment and software, is able to detect and reveal dangerous practice.

The author of the article briefly presents the scale of the phenomenon and the techniques which al-low to detect manipulation in the first, second and third-generation tachographs.

(EVU-members can download the full article)