Research and development of a complex and intelligent cargo protection system for cargo unit protection and security

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Main author

Ferenc Szauter



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Research report

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(Keine Übersetzung vorhanden)

The project has developed a device to detect the correct securing of the load unit, to ensure the correct pre-tensioning of the lashing straps, to store measurement and control information and to inform the authorised persons about the status of the securing of the load unit. The project has provided a comprehensive solution to a known, but still unsolved, acute problem affecting freight and transport safety.

The aim of the research and development was to implement a complex system for the truck sector handling cargo units, which would both reduce the likelihood of cargo damage and reduce a number of road safety risks (rollover, derailment, goods tipping, etc.) due to cargo movement. A good example of the system-level approach of the developed solution is that it approaches load safety not only from a "safety" but also from a "security" perspective, since unauthorised, unprogrammed "loosening" of the lashing straps may imply an intention to move or steal the goods, a feature that current cargo security systems do not have.