Analysis of simulated accident, example of insurance fraud in Romania

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Dragoș Sorin Dima


Dinu Covaciu, Anghel Chiru

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27. EVU Conference, Dubrovnik



We intend to present a brief description regarding the situation of insurance fraud in Romania. Analyses consist in presenting the common methods used depending on the type of assurance, value of the damage, and condition of the simulated accident. For all these cases we intend to present our methods used to determinate if the accident can be real or not (damage compatibility analysis, dynamic simulation and balance the results whit real situation, legal statements). In the paper and in presentation it will be included some case studies describing the methods and the possibilities to prove the truth, in a simulated accident. In some cases, it will be estimated how much the forensic sciences help to discover the real mean of some evidences. The conclusion of this paper will demonstrate the importance of European collaboration and dissemination of the subject which can improve the fight with this huge insurance calamity. The results of the cases analyzed in the paper will be provided with the paper submission together with a brief situation of the state of insurance fraud in Romania.

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