How realistic is the Biofidelic Dummy in terms of Reconstruction Parameters and Biomechanics

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Andreas Schäuble


Michael Weyde

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28 EVU Conference, Barcelona



In order to improve the preciseness in pedestrian-vehicle accident reconstructions, a new biofidelic dummy had been developed. The objective of this work was to biomechanically validate the biofidelity of this new kind of anthropomorphic testing device (ATD). Therefore, nine crash tests have been conducted with the Biofidelic Dummy and the results were compared with four crash tests ear-lier performed with the Žilina Dummy, an ATD widely used in accident research due to its low cost and robustness, post-mortem human subject tests obtained from published research papers and 21 real-world pedestrian accidents.

The topics analysed were dummy trajectories, vehicle damages, the C-ratio, throw distances and dummy “injuries”.

The Biofidelic Dummy performes more human-like than the Žilina Dummy in regards to the trajectories and causes vehicle damages which are comparable to those caused by a pedestrian in an ac-cident of similar severity. Considering the C-ratio and throw distances, both ATDs deliver similar re-sults. Regarding the dummy “injuries”, a unique feature of the Biofidelic Dummy, the described inju-ries correspond well to those of pedestrians.

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