EVU Country group Slovakia

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gustáv Kasanický

Our members in Slovakia

38 results found.
Dipl. Ing. Kamil LACKO-BARTOŠ 94901 Nitra ---
Dipl. Ing. Milan LEHMAN 94901 Nitra ---
Dipl. Ing. Juraj LUCO 1701 Považská Bystrica ---
Dipl. Ing. Peter MERCELL 96001 Zvolen ---
Dipl. Ing. Marián PAULÍK Michalovce ---
Dipl. Ing. Vladimír PODMANICKÝ 85106 Bratislava ---
Dipl. Ing. Ján RABČAN 02951 Lokca ---
Dipl. Ing. Lukáš REISTETTER Prešov ---
Dipl. Ing. Ondrej RÖVID 97901 Rimavská Sobota ---
Dipl. Ing. Ján SABÓ Prešov ---

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