Development and Implementation of a Havariaassessment and Reporting System

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Main author

Zoltan Krutsch



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Research report

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(Keine Übersetzung vorhanden)

The aim of the R&D project is to create a system consisting of complex on-board data acquisition electronics and the associated IT infrastructure, which can be mounted on a bus or commercial vehicle and which, using appropriate sensors, is capable of automatically detecting and evaluating an accidental incident in a traffic situation, transmitting alarm messages via the IT network and collecting data.

The device uses inertial motion characteristics, environmental parameters and precise positioning to estimate vehicle parameters and provide accurate information to the emergency services in the event of a near miss. The alarm is sent using a widely deployed and reliable mobile communication network. The administration interface developed allows the current position of the vehicles to be determined, sends an alert in the event of a calamity and allows the mud driver to enter information into the system, for example on the load, which can also be of great assistance in the rescue and its preparation.