About New Roles and Needs in the Development and Safeguarding of Futures Automated Driving Functions

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Dr. Andreas Kuhn



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28 EVU Conference, Barcelona



The introduction of automated, connected, cooperative driving and further advanced driver assistance systems promise to deliver some major improvements and breakthroughs on the way to Vision Zero. But the development and implementation of such systems will not be straight forward and requires new processes and approaches, which exceeding the current state of the art by far. Namely there are a few conceptional burdens and difficulties implied, which require special, new development and organizational approaches to handle the given challenges. These conceptional difficulties and their resulting complexity in system development are described and concepts for their solution are drawn. The solutions contain a neat combination of topics like scenario and data-based development approaches, prospective effectiveness assessment, systematic data acquisition from open test fields and naturalistic driving for empirical modeling of traffic behaviors, a strict top-down procedure and some other. These are described in their combined application and demonstrated upon the example of the Austrian lead project for automated driving, Connecting Austria.

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